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Frequently Asked Questions

mySchedule Builder FAQ

What is mySchedule Builder, and what can I do with it?

mySchedule Builder is an application that will generate all possible schedule combinations based on your course selections, allowing you to evaluate which schedule of classes will work best for you.

Keep in mind that you can continue to use myUCF’s robust Class Search search functionality to identify courses. After finding those courses in Class Search, add them to mySchedule Builder. Then you can:

  • Add additional classes that you already know you want to take in the semester.
  • Build “breaks” into your schedule. For example, if you can’t attend classes on Wednesday morning because of your work schedule, you can create a break for that time period, and mySchedule Builder will not show class sections conflicting with that block of time.
  • Schedule travel time between classes. Perhaps you must walk from one side of campus to the other, and you need 20 minutes between classes. You can schedule that through mySchedule Builder’s Class Padding feature.
  • “Lock” a class so that it is always on your schedule and other classes are scheduled around it.
  • Look for classes taught by your favorite instructors.

When should I use Class Search versus mySchedule Builder?

Continue using Class Search if you:

  • Only take online classes.
  • Are in a cohort or major where your classes are prescribed for you.
  • Only need to take a couple of classes and your schedule is very flexible.
  • Need to search for classes meeting the degree requirement criteria you must fulfill.

Use mySchedule Builder to generate, view, and analyze a variety of class schedules containing those classes you want to take in a given semester. If you already know what classes you need, you can go straight to mySchedule Builder, add your classes, and generate schedules to review.

SCENARIO ONE: You are starting from scratch. You need to search for a course that satisfies specific requirements such as GEP.

. . . Use Class Search to search for classes meeting your specific criteria. For example, perhaps you need a class meeting the GEP-Cultural & Historical Foundations area offered by the Philosophy department. When you find a course meeting those criteria—perhaps REL 2300—note it to add to mySchedule Builder. Next, use the mySchedule Builder application to add REL 2300 and other classes to your schedule—say MAC 1105C. When you click Generate Schedules, all of the sections of REL 2300 will be shown with all of the MAC 1105C sections that don’t conflict with it. You can continue adding classes through mySchedule Builder in this manner, knowing that the application will display only those schedules where sections of the other classes you choose don’t conflict with each other.

Note: You may also identify courses fulfilling the Gordon Rule requirements at Keep both web browser windows open for easy navigation between mySchedule Builder and Class Search or the degree requirements website. Remember to consult your advisor if you have additional questions.

SCENARIO TWO—You already have specific courses in mind but don’t know which sections would fit your scheduling needs best.

Simply open up the application through the mySchedule Builder link in your myUCF Student Center with the subject prefixes and course numbers you’re interested in—for example, MAC 1105C, BSC 2010C, CGS 2100C, and ECO 2013. Add these to mySchedule Builder’s Add Course area. When you click Generate Schedules, mySchedule Builder returns schedules that work around any breaks, class padding, or classes you previously added to the shopping cart.

Can I include waitlisted classes in my schedule also?

Yes. Change the Course Status filter in the upper left-corner of the main mySchedule Builder page to ‘Open & Full w/Waitlist Open’.

Can I see a course description when I’m signing up for a class?

When you add a course in the Add Course panel, the course description appears below the name of the course. The description gives these details of the class:

  1. The name of the college and department offering the course,
  2. The number of credits with a breakdown of the number of lecture and lab hours required in the course,
  3. Details of pre-requisites required,
  4. A description of the course,
  5. Terms the course is typically offered, and,
  6. Lab fees (if any).

Do I still have to look at Class Details?

Yes, absolutely. After a schedule is generated the class section’s details will display important information; for example, the class section may have special restrictions. In mySchedule Builder, full class details are viewed by clicking the Information icon after you have generated schedules and you are looking at the class as part of a schedule.

Does mySchedule Builder enroll me in the classes I selected?

No. mySchedule Builder does NOT enroll you in the classes you selected. You must return to the Student Center and import your selected schedule into the shopping cart to complete the enrollment process. mySchedule Builder will add the schedule you select to your shopping cart, but it does not enroll you in those classes. However, you will be able to easily navigate back to the shopping cart directly from mySchedule Builder.

How can I tell if a course has a pre-requisite before I add it to my schedule?

When you add a course in the Add Course panel, the course description appears below the name of the course. The pre-requisites for the course are listed there.

How do I exclude certain class sections?

In the Courses section on the main page, click the Options link for the course you wish to filter further. Use the checkboxes next to individual class sections, or the Advanced Filters button, to remove the classes you do not want. After changing the filters, click the ‘Generate Schedules’ button again. You’ll get schedules with the classes without those sections.

How do I find mySchedule Builder?

To access mySchedule Builder, navigate to your Student Center and click the mySchedule Builder link under the Academics bar. Follow the instructions on the mySchedule Builder Instructions page.

How do I include online classes in my schedule?

In the top left-hand corner of mySchedule Builder’s main page, choose the Instruction Mode and modify the filters accordingly

How do I make sure I have enough time between classes?

On mySchedule Builder’s main page, click the Advanced Options button to access the Class Padding drop-down box. Select from a list of five-minute intervals between 0 and 90. Remember, however, that most classes observe standard meeting times and already allow for 10 minutes between classes. If you add more class padding to your schedule, you might have to alter that choice if mySchedule Builder doesn’t generate class schedules that work for you.

I like a schedule, but I want to continue looking at others. Is there a way that I can save that schedule and come back to it later?

Yes. When you find a schedule that you like and want to save, click the ‘heart’ icon at the top of the schedule details page. Give the schedule a name and save it. Later, click the ‘Favorites’ icon on mySchedule Builder’s main page to pull up your saved schedules.

I need to block out time for my job, club meeting, or sports team practice. Can I do that?

Yes. On mySchedule Builder’s main page, click the Add Break button to access the Add New Break panel. Give your break a name and select the times you would like for it to begin and end. Choose the days of the week that the break will be active. Save your break and it will appear on all of the schedules generated with your classes arranged around it. You can add more than one break if necessary. After the breaks are created, you can analyze the effect of a break on your schedule by removing or editing the break.

I want to take Honors classes. Is there a way to only select Honors sections for a course?

On the Add Course page, select the ‘Search By Section Attribute’ tab. Select ‘Honors’ (or any other special class type) from the Attribute dropdown. Select the Subject and Course and add the course to your Desired Courses list.

I would like to modify the search results to leave out some of the courses that I had added so that the generated schedules work better for me. Can I do that?

If you decide to drop a course from your schedule, that’s not a problem. On the mySchedule Builder main page, locate the Courses section on the left side of the screen above the schedules listing. Uncheck the course, or courses, which you want removed from your schedule. Click the ‘Generate Schedules’ button again to get a new list of schedules.

I’d like to take a course, but there are specific sections that I don’t want to see. Can I eliminate them from the results?

In the ‘Courses’ section on the main page, click the ‘Options’ link for the class that you want to change. Use the checkboxes on the left of the sections listing page to select the class sections that you want. Make sure that the sections you don’t want are unchecked.

You can use this feature to choose specific days and times, buildings, or instructors that you’re interested in.

Advanced filters are also available on this page.

Is there an option to select morning, mid-day, or night classes?

There’s not an option, but you can create different breaks to block times that you DON’T want to take classes. Then include those breaks in your schedule to force mySchedule Builder to only show classes during the block of time that you DO want to take classes.

There are so many schedule results and many of them are similar. How do I cut down on the number of results so that it is less confusing?

In the Courses section on the main page, click the Options link for the course which has too many results. Use the checkboxes next to individual class sections, or the Advanced Filters button, to reduce the number of classes that will show in your schedule results. After changing the filters, click the ‘Generate Schedules’ button again.

There are so many schedules to choose from in the list. Can I quickly preview a schedule? Is it possible to compare schedules next to each other?

Yes, mySchedule Builder makes it easy to do both of those. To quickly preview a schedule, hover your mouse over a schedule’s magnifying glass icon. The weekly schedule will become visible.

You can compare up to four schedules by checking the checkboxes on the schedule listing page. Then click the ‘Compare’ button to see those schedules side-by-side.

After seeing a weekly schedule that you like, open the schedule to see both the weekly schedule and details of the class sections in that schedule.

There are two classes I could take; how do I determine which one best fits my schedule?

Add both classes to your Desired Courses list. Before you generate your schedules:

  • Uncheck one of the courses in the Courses section on the mySchedule Builder main page.
  • Generate the schedules and choose one that you like.
  • Save it as a Favorite.
  • Go back to the Courses section and uncheck the first class.
  • Check the second class and generate another set of schedules.
  • Compare the resulting schedules with the saved Favorite schedule to see which one you like the best.

There is an instructor that I really like. Is it possible to see if she’s teaching a class I want to take?

In the Add Course panel, click on the ‘Search by Instructor’ tab. Type the instructor’s name in the Search box or scroll through the list to find her name. Then see if she is teaching the course you want to take during the semester. If she is, add it to your Desired Courses list.

What does "Locking" a class do?

If you want to ensure that a particular section of a class remains on every schedule that mySchedule Builder generates, you can click the Lock icon next to that class. However, remember that even if you lock a class, you must still import the schedule you select into your shopping cart to complete the enrollment process.


Address Change

Audit Registration

Change Catalog Year

Change of Name

Employee Tuition Waivers

Enrollment Transaction Trace

Out-of-state Waiver

Residency Reclassification

Academic Amnesty Application

Medical Withdrawal Form Instructions & Information

Click Here to View Form Instructions & Information

A petition for a medical withdrawal must be submitted within six (6) months of the end of the semester from which the medical withdrawal is requested. Only one semester can be petitioned on each Medical Withdrawal Request. An approved medical withdrawal petition that was submitted by the 6-month deadline will result in a tuition refund for the semester from which the student was medically withdrawn. If a medical withdrawal is approved, a grade of “WM” (withdrawal due to medical reason) will be recorded for each affected course. A “WM” grade will have no effect on the Grade Point Average.

If considering a medical withdrawal during the semester, you should talk to each course instructor before pursuing the medical withdrawal. It may be possible for you and the instructor to work out an alternate solution together. A medical withdrawal petition should be a student’s last option. For example, if you and the student’s instructor(s) agree(s) to a grade of “Incomplete” for the semester, you do not need to petition for a medical withdrawal. Students are also encouraged to contact Student Accessibility Services to explore possible accommodations that would enable the student to meet course requirements without withdrawing.

When you have decided to pursue a medical withdrawal during the semester, you should inform each instructor of the your intent, because medical withdrawal is a change of registration status. The Registrar’s Office will officially notify the your instructor(s) of the intent to submit a medical withdrawal petition and seek each instructor’s input and support for the petition.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The student is suffering from a serious medical (physical or psychological) condition that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, eating, sleeping, standing, lifting, bending, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating or working.
  • Medical withdrawal must be supported by adequate documentation from a medical and/or psychological services provider(s). Form D should be used for this purpose. The medical information must be relevant to the semester for which the student is seeking a medical withdrawal.
  • Consideration will be given only when the medical condition precludes completion of course(s). A medical withdrawal requires withdrawal from all classes (“full medical withdrawal”) for that semester except in unusual circumstances where the medical documentation indicates that only select courses are impacted by the medical condition (“selective medical withdrawal.”). Once a determination is made to seek “selective medical withdrawal”, the student cannot amend the request at a later date or request a retroactive withdrawal for classes not included in the petition.
  • Medical Withdrawals will not be approved if the difficulty resulting from a medical condition that precludes completion of the course(s) was present at the beginning of the semester from which the withdrawal is requested except in unusual circumstances where medical documentation indicates that a change in the condition during the semester resulted in the student’s inability to meet course requirements.
  • Students who are requesting to withdraw from the university due to pregnancy or sexual violence should contact the Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Institutional Equity (Barbara Ying CMMS, Building #81, Suite 101) or call (407) 823 – 1336 for appropriate consultation before submitting a medical withdrawal petition so that other options may be explored.

Students are responsible for all requirements of the course(s) until such time the medical withdrawal is approved. Poor academic performance is not a basis upon which a medical withdrawal will be approved.

Medical withdrawals for consecutive semesters will not be approved for the same medical condition. If a student’s medical condition is serious enough to necessitate a medical withdrawal, the student should carefully consider future enrollment. The time period immediately following a medical withdrawal should be devoted to recovery. Students are encouraged to contact Student Accessibility Services well before a subsequent semester begins to explore possible accommodations if necessary.

Students who receive a medical withdrawal may be placed on medical hold when the University is able to determine that the medical condition is likely to continue to prohibit the student from meeting course requirements into the next semester(s). In this case, the University may drop the student’s enrollment for the subsequent semester(s), however it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to make sure enrollment is dropped while on medical hold or risk being fee and grade liable. When the student on medical hold believes that he/she/they can meet course requirements with or without a reasonable accommodation, the student may petition to have the medical hold removed. To have a medical hold removed, the student must submit the following documents: (1) a Medical Hold Removal Form completed by the student and his/her medical and/or psychological provider(s), and (2) a letter authored by the student stating what the student has done regarding the treatment of the medical condition that will enable the student to complete course requirements going forward, and discussing future plans (both academic and any further treatment plans) upon returning to the university. All required paperwork to remove the medical hold must be submitted before the semester in which the student wants to return by that semester’s deadline, which is listed on the Registrar’s Office website.

What We Don't Do

Accept admission applications

Please contact Undergraduate Admissions or Graduate Admissions.

Assist graduate students

Please contact the College of Graduate Studies for information regarding Late Add, Late Drop, Late Withdrawal and Medical Withdrawal for graduate students.

Academic advising

Please consult this listing for more information.

Course overrides

Please consult your academic advisor or the department in which the course is offered

Transcript requests

Please visit the Official Transcript Request web page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I guaranteed a degree from my state college?

No. The state college will evaluate the courses taken at UCF and determine if they, with those already taken at the state college, meet the requirements for graduation.

How much does Reverse Transfer cost?

There may be some costs associated with Reverse Transfer. Your UCF transcript will be sent to the state college free of charge when requested by the state college. Your state college may require a graduation application and/or fee. There may also be additional courses required to meet the degree requirements.

Can I take the required courses at UCF or must I return to my state college?

Courses may be taken at UCF if the courses required for the A.A. degree are available at UCF.

Do I need to be currently enrolled at my state college?

No, meet with a state college advisor to determine which courses may still be required to complete the associate’s degree.

Can I participate in my state college graduation ceremony after earning my degree?

Earning a degree is a major accomplishment! Your state college advisor will assist with completion of necessary applications for graduation.

Am I guaranteed a degree if my university major is the same as the degree offered by my state college?

No. An associate’s degree will be awarded if the combined UCF and state college credits satisfy the degree requirements, and all graduation requirements are met.


Can faculty or staff post grades outside their office?

According to FERPA, student grades must not be released or made available to third parties. UCF policy restricts instructors from posting grades in classrooms, or on Websites unless the student’s identity is concealed by a secure password-entry interface (i.e., myUCF). More information is available on the myUCF Grades pagelet. Faculty and staff may post grades by doing the following:

  1. Ask the student to supply a self-chosen code identifier. This identifier may be known only to faculty and their teaching assistant.
  2. Create and assign a list of randomly generated numbers/characters known and available only to faculty (or their teaching assistant) and the student.
  3. Ask each student to supply written, signed and dated authorization to use their UCFID to post grades. Then, post the grades using the UCFID numerals only. Faculty must store and maintain each student’s written consent.

Can parents ask staff/faculty how a student is doing in a particular class or about their grades?

Direct discussion of non-directory information (grades, academic performance or standing) is not permissible under FERPA without written permission or in verified and consenting presence.

Can students give permission for teachers, advisors, etc. to talk to parents about grades and other parts of their educational record?

Students can authorize the release of their records in two ways:

  • Come to the Registrar’s Office to complete a Records Release Authorization form. Complete it and turn it into the Registrar’s Office with a photo ID.
  • Go to and sign in using their NID and password.Then go to Student Self-Service > Student Center > Personal Information > Records Release Authorization.
    Follow the directions on-screen and create a new release authorization.
    On the next page, students will see a list of records for which you can authorize their release. This includes academic standing, GPA, and GRE test scores.
    Please list the name of the person or organization to release the records to and the purpose of disclosure.
    (Be specific about whom University faculty and staff can release records to and be specific about what we can talk about. Just saying “You can talk about anything” or “Everything!” is not specific enough.)
    If the student wishes to have records disclosed by phone, click the box for disclosure by phone and give a passcode word/phrase.
    If the student wishes to have records disclosed by email, write out the specific email address to communicate with and give a passcode word/phrase.
    When finished, click SAVE. This release is in effect until the student chooses to cancel it.

Do parents have the right to see education records?

Under FERPA the rights transfer from the parents to the student once they turn 18 years old or enter a postsecondary institution at any age. Although the rights under FERPA have now transferred to a student, a school may disclose information from an “eligible student’s” education records to parents, without consent, if the parent claims the student as a dependent for tax purposes in the last tax year. Neither the age of the student nor the parent’s status as a custodial parent is relevant.

Given that we cannot authenticate the identity of someone over the phone, the Registrar’s Office would relay to parents (who have met the above criteria) the information asked for in a face-to-face meeting, preferably in the student’s presence as well as a member of the Registrar’s Office professional staff.

If I feel my rights have been violated, how can I file a complaint?

If you have concerns or believe your rights under FERPA may have been violated, please contact the Registrar’s Office by emailing with the subject line “FERPA Concern.”

Students also have the right to file a complaint under FERPA by doing so in writing to the Family Policy Compliance Office, sending pertinent information through the mail, concerning any allegations to the following address:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-5920
Phone: 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327)

To whom can UCF disclose without written consent?

  • Personnel within the University that have a legitimate educational interest.
  • School officials at other institutions where the student is seeking to enroll.
  • Personnel or organizations determining financial aid decisions or providing
    financial aid to the student.
  • Parents of students where the student status is determined as a dependent under IRS code of 1986, section 152.
  • Accrediting organizations in the performance of their accrediting duties.
  • Persons in compliance with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. The institution shall first make reasonable attempt to notify the student, unless the subpoena is issued from a federal grand jury, or issued for a law-enforcement purpose, and orders the University not to notify the student.
  • Persons in an emergency, if the knowledge or information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or person.

Where can I get information on FERPA training?

Information on FERPA training can be found here.

Who must receive FERPA training?

All faculty and staff who handle educational and identification information for students, including class rosters and grades, are required to complete training.

Knights Success Grant FAQ

Can I apply for the Knights Success Grant if I am trying to avoid loan debt?

The Knights Success Grant would not be the best option for a student who wants to avoid Federal Loan debt. Knights Success Grant candidates must have exhausted all financial resources including Federal Loan options.

Can I use the Knights Success Grant money for off-campus expenses, housing and/or books?

The Knights Success Grant cannot be applied toward housing costs, textbook purchases, personal finances and other non-tuition fees.  If other financial assistance is awarded for the term in which the grant is awarded, the Knights Success Grant would be cancelled or adjusted.

If awarded the Knights Success Grant, the funds can only be applied toward outstanding UCF tuition and a refund cannot be produced. Award amounts are equal to UCF tuition with a maximum award amount of $3,500*.

*This is subject to change dependent on available funds.

If I have a hold from a prior semester, can the Knights Graduation and Grant Initiative help so that I can enroll in my final semester?

The Knights Graduation and Grant Initiative is designed to help students enroll in their final semester. Funding is not guaranteed, but you will receive guidance on the steps you need to take to remedy the hold and enrolling in your final semester.

Is there an application deadline for the Knights Success Grant?

No, there is no application deadline as long as the semester is still underway. Funding assistance for previous semesters cannot be reviewed or prorated.

Once awarded the Knights Success Grant, are there additional requirements to receive the funding?

Yes. There is a financial literacy requirement provided through Cent$ible Knight$ and a career readiness tool where the resources are provided by Career Services. This is all available through the Knights Success Grant Canvas web course. Awardees of the Knights Success Grant will be notified of the Canvas web course requirement with the award notification email.

Where do I find the application for the Knights Success Grant?

The application is available via referral or direct inquiry only. Please contact Heather Murphy at Students who are inquiring about the application need to include in the email their UCF email address, full name, UCF ID and a brief explanation for your inquiry for this emergency assistance.

Excess Credit Hour Surcharge

Do graduate courses count?

Yes, graduate courses are included in your Excess Credit Hour counter if they are being used towards your baccalaureate degree. Credit that is only used for the graduate degree will be excluded.

How does this work with an undecided/undeclared major?

Your Excess Credit Hour counter is determined after completion of a review of your incoming transfer credit and a determination of what is applicable to your declared major or degree program. Since you do not have a declared major, almost everything or everything will count. Once you declare a major, any additional credits that can apply towards the major will be determined and added to your Excess Credit Counter.

What happens to my counter when I change majors?

When you elect to change your major, the baseline will not be increased unless the new program requires more credits to complete than the previous program. Courses attempted at UCF for the previous major will not be excluded.

If you have transfer credit, it is possible that your new major selection will change which courses are degree applicable. Transfer course that are now degree applicable will be added to your counter, and all transfer credit previously determined to be degree applicable will remain.

What if I am pursuing a double major or double degree?

The baseline will not be increased for a double major or double degree. It is possible that the student will exceed the baseline and be required to pay the excess hours surcharge prior to graduation. If both majors/degrees are awarded in the same term, the credit hours required for the 2nd major/degree only will be waived.

What if I am pursuing a minor in addition to my major?

The baseline will not be increased for a minor. It is possible that a student will exceed the baseline when pursuing a minor in addition to the coursework for their major and will be required to pay the excess hours surcharge

Which UCF courses count towards Excess Hours?

All UCF courses count towards Excess Hours.

I qualify for a double major or dual degree excess hours fee refund. When will I receive my refund?

If you graduated with a double major/degree and exceeded the excess hours baseline, the credit hours required for the 2nd major/degree only will be waived. Student Account Services will issue any refund due, generally by the end of the following term.

I qualify for an FTIC excess hours fee refund. When will I receive my refund?

If you enrolled at UCF as a First Time In College (FTIC) student, incurred excess hours fees, and graduated within 4 years of initial enrollment, up to 12 credit hours will be waived. Student Account Services will issue any refund due, generally by the end of the following term.

Do I need to apply for the double major or dual degree excess hours fee refund?

No, there is no application needed. After all degrees for the term are awarded, the Registrar’s Office will review any double major/degree graduates who incurred excess hours.

Do I need to apply for the FTIC excess hours fee refund?

No, there is no application needed. After all degrees for the term are awarded, the Registrar’s Office will review graduates who are eligible for this refund.

I do not see my future term enrollment in my excess hours counter. When will my future term enrollment be added to my excess hours counter?

Data in your excess hours counter does not include future term enrollment. Your excess hours counter is updated at the end of each term’s drop/add deadline to reflect new term enrollment.

Can the Registrar’s Office predict how classes will display on my excess hours counter based on future term enrollment?

No, the Registrar’s Office cannot tell you since we have to wait for the excess hours counter updates at the end of each term’s drop/add deadline.

How often will I receive a notification about my excess hours counter updates?

After the excess hours counter has been updated after the drop/add deadline each term, you will receive an email from the Registrar’s Office informing you to check your excess hours counter.

I graduated with my first bachelor’s degree and am currently pursuing a second bachelor’s degree at UCF. Am I exempt from excess hours fees?

Second bachelor’s degrees are not excluded from the Excess Credit Hour law. However, since most second bachelor’s degrees only require the completion program prerequisites and degree requirements, you most likely will not incur excess hours fees.

I am pursuing an Undergraduate Certificate in addition to my degree seeking program. Do Undergraduate Certificates at UCF count towards excess hours?

Yes, if you are also pursuing a bachelor’s degree, an Undergraduate Certificate is considered a complementary program to your bachelor’s degree. The classes for a certificate do count towards excess hours.

Will the classes I take in a concurrent enrollment program or as a transient student be included in my Excess Hours Counter?

Yes, any credits attempted at another institution after you have started at UCF are included in your excess hours credit counter. This includes courses taken in a concurrent enrollment program or as a transient student while still enrolled at UCF.

Will the classes I take as a study abroad student be included in my Excess Hours Counter?

Yes, any credits taken at another institution after you have started at UCF are included in your excess hours credit counter. This includes courses taken as a study abroad student while still enrolled at UCF.

Spring 2020 S/U Policy FAQ for the Registrar’s Office

Does it impact my GPA?

Grades of S and U do not impact the GPA. A grade of S will result in credit for the course, but it will not be used in the calculation of the GPA. A grade of U will reflect attempted credit that was not earned in the course, but it will also not affect the GPA.

How will I know this will meet one of my program/degree requirements?

You should contact your advisor before making a grading decision. In some instances, an S/U grade may impact degree program requirements and applications to graduate or professional school.

A list of Academic Advising Offices can be found here:

I’m an athlete, I have a hold that prevent me from making any changes.

Athletes should consult with their Athletic Advisor.  Changes to athletes’ grading will have to be processed within the Registrar’s Office (these will go to Vanessa.)

What if I change this and decide I don’t want it - can it be reversed?

Between April 10-27, you can change your request for S/U grading. Go to the myUCF portal and select Student Self Service > Student Center > Other Academic (dropdown menu) > COVID-19 S/U Option. After April 27, appeals to reverse your request for an S/U will not be allowed.

Which grades are eligible for the “S,” and which grades are eligible for the “U”?

If you choose to select courses for S/U grading, grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+ or C will convert to a satisfactory (S) grade.

Grades of C-, D+, D, D-, F or NC will convert to an unsatisfactory (U) grade

Will a "S" grade satisfy my pre-requisite?

If your degree program requires a grade of a C or higher to advance to the next class, selecting the S/U option for the prerequisite may be inadvisable. You should contact your advisor before making a grading decision.

A list of Academic Advising Offices can be found here:

Will my financial aid cover this change? (from the webpage) Will selecting S/U grading impact my financial aid and/or satisfactory academic progress (SAP)?

S, U and NC grades could help you maintain your current GPA because it won’t change it. S grades may also help you meet the earned hours requirements. However, a U or NC grade would not help you meet the earned hours requirement nor the SAP completion percentage standard.

Will the classes show as being online on the official transcript?

No, the mode of class delivery is not noted on an official transcript.

Will there be an explanation on the official transcripts or a statement?

Your transcripts will indicate that the S/U option was made available this semester because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Repeat Checking — Frequently Asked Questions

Does this mean that I cannot repeat courses?

No. You will usually have the option to repeat a course if you need to. Although most courses are not repeatable, students have the option to take them again. They just cannot count more than once towards the graduation requirements.

Does this mean that I may have a reduction of credits on my transcript after this change is implemented?

It might reduce the credits on your transcript IF you have repeated courses. If you haven’t repeated anything, you will not be affected by this change at all. Even if you are affected by this change, this will NOT affect your progress towards graduation.

If I’m concerned that this will affect my financial aid, who should I talk to?

Students with questions regarding their financial aid eligibility or how this may impact their continued eligibility should contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance. The office is located in 120 Millican Hall and can be reached via phone at 407-823-2827 or email at

If it reduces the total number of credits on the transcript, how can it not be affecting my graduation progress?

The degree audit has always been filtering for repeated courses. The degree audit will continue to be, as it always has been, the tool that allows students and advisors to monitor the completion of and the remaining requirements for graduation. The degree audit is unchanged by this process. If you have questions regarding your progress towards graduation, please contact your college’s advising office.

What about transfer credits?

Transfer credits will be evaluated for repeated classes. This includes multiple occurrences taken at one school, test credits that resulted in equivalencies for the same course, or the repeating of a class at UCF that was previously taken somewhere else.

What does “repeat checking” mean with regards to my grades and GPA?

Repeat Checking refers to how the University treats classes that you have taken more than once. If you repeat a class, there are implications for your GPA and academic level (freshman, sophomore, etc). However, and normally, repeated classes do not result in additional credit counting towards the degree.

What does it mean when a course is not repeatable?

A course that is non-repeatable is a course that cannot count more than once towards your graduation requirements. Most courses are not repeatable, and the catalog will confirm those classes that can be repeated. For example, if you take ENC 1101 more than once, only one the last attempt will be reflected on your degree audit. There are a small number of courses that are repeatable and thus, can count multiple times towards graduation. An example would be a music class that is a lesson.

What if I have additional questions?

Please visit here: You may call 407 823 3100 with additional questions about repeat checking.

What is the change that is occurring?

Currently, UCF counts all attempts of a class equally. If you take a class three times, you will receive 9 credits for the class on your academic transcript even though only 3 credits count towards graduation on your degree audit. Beginning with the Fall 2015 semester, your transcript will report only the number of credits that are permitted by the guidelines in the catalog in the same way the degree audit does.

What isn’t Changing?

Your degree audit information will not be affected by this. Your progress towards graduation will not be affected by this change. The degree audit has always managed repeat checking. In cases where you may have taken the same course twice and did not use grade forgiveness, you will only see the course counting towards the degree once on the degree audit.

Why is this change being implemented?

There are two reasons for this change. In order to accurately report progress towards degree and in order to comply with federal regulations that govern financial aid, this change is necessary.

Also, because the new audit is part of the PeopleSoft system where student records are processed, in order for the new audit to work properly, repeat checking needs to be occurring within PeopleSoft.

Why should I care about this?

Since repeated courses will not count more than once as earned credits on your transcript, your total credits earned that appear on your transcript may change. In a small number of cases, academic levels will be impacted and thus, financial aid eligibility may be impacted.

Will this affect the Grade Forgiveness Policy?

No. The Grade Forgiveness policy remains unchanged. You will not receive credit for both occurrences of the same class on your transcript. Only the last class will count towards your degree.

What We Do

Manage academic record changes

Assistance for undergraduate students with late drop, late withdrawal, medical withdrawal petitions and medical hold removal process.

Evaluate transfer credits

Assess test and transfer credit for General Education Courses, Gordon Rule and/or Foreign Language

Evaluate waivers for university requirements

Administer university requirements waivers for issues such as summer hours and AMH 2020 within the GEP.

Drop & Withdrawal Petitions

What is the difference between a Late Drop and a Late Withdrawal?

A Late Drop and a Late Withdrawal are the same as a Drop or Withdrawal except that they are petitioned after their respective deadlines. Please check the Academic Calendar for dates. If approved, a Late Drop results in a full refund of tuition fees and the complete removal of the course from the student’s academic record. If a late withdrawal is approved, the student will receive a WL grade. This will not affect their GPA. If approved, a late withdrawal does not refund tuition, and/or the student is still fee liable for the late withdrawn courses.

Can my professor withdraw me from his/her course?

No. Your professor can support your decision to petition but does not have the authority to approve your petition. If your petition is approved your professor’s input will determine if you receive a “Withdraw Passing” (WP) or a “Withdraw Failing” (WF) for the course. Talk to your professor before pursuing a Late Withdrawal petition.

myKnight Audit FAQ

Who can access the myKnight Audit?

All current and newly admitted UCF students will be able to view the myKnight Audit through the myUCF portal.

How do I view myKnight Audit?

Log into the myUCF portal with your NID and NID password, then select Student Self Service from the menu on the left side of the screen. Then select myKnight Audit from the “Other: Academic” dropdown menu next to your class schedule.

What will the myKnight Audit show me?

Your myKnight Audit will display the courses you have taken, are registered for, and have transferred from a prior institution (accepted by UCF). The myKnight Audit compares all of the courses on your official academic record to computer-coded degree requirements from the UCF undergraduate catalog. The result is an estimate of your status in meeting these requirements to earn your selected degree.

Will I be able to view my entire history of courses taken at UCF?

You will be able to view any courses that have been completed, are in progress, or have been transferred each time you process your audit. For a full list of your course history, generate a PDF audit and scroll down to the bottom of the document to the course history section.

Keep in mind that any transfer work or grade changes that have not been submitted and accepted via official transcript will not appear on your myKnight Audit. 

How do I know what classes I need to take?

Your myKnight Audit will outline all courses within each section of the report that are required to complete your degree. You may then use this information to discuss an appropriate plan of study with your academic advisor.

If I fail, drop, or withdraw from a class, will that action be reflected in the myKnight Audit?

Courses that you have failed, dropped or withdrawn will appear at the bottom of your interactive audit in the Ineligible Courses area, and in the Course History at the bottom of the PDF audit. However, these attempts will not count toward successful completion of degree requirements.

I have transfer courses that appear on the myKnight Audit as UCF1000/2000/3000. Why isn’t my transfer work meeting a requirement?

Transfer courses may need to be evaluated for equivalency. Contact your academic advisor for instructions.

I don’t see the requirements for my major listed on the myKnight Audit. How do I know what classes to take?

Some degree programs may not be available in the selected catalog year, or the degree audit may not yet be available for certain majors. Please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog ( and contact your college advising office for questions about major requirements.

If all of the boxes on the myKnight Audit are collapsed and satisfied, does that mean I’m graduating?

No. You must file an Intent to Graduate in the myUCF portal before the deadline on the UCF Academic Calendar. The Registrar’s Office and the college that houses your major will conduct a review of your coursework to determine if you are eligible to graduate. Missing requirements will be communicated to you by your college or the Registrar’s Office.

What is the What-if feature?

The What-If report allows you to hypothetically change your degree, major or track. Your new What-If report will show you what coursework is required for the new major or concentration, what courses you have taken that satisfy requirements, and what courses are still left for you to take.

If I use the What-If feature does it mean that I have changed my major?

No. The What-If function is for information purposes only. See your advisor if you plan to change your major.

If I think myKnight Audit is incorrect, what should I do?

Your academic advisor is your primary point of contact. However, you may also use the ServiceNow link to report a discrepancy on your myKnight Audit.

Can I print myKnight Audit and What-If reports?

Yes. Click on the “View Report as PDF” green link on the interactive audit and you will be able to print your report as a PDF.

I had my transfer courses evaluated and approved for use toward my degree requirements on the old audit. Do I need to resubmit my request and supporting documents?

No, you do not need to resubmit your request. However, if the approved courses do not appear on the myKnight Audit, please report the issue through ServiceNow

When I click 'view report as pdf,' nothing happens ... why not?

Usually this is because your web browser is blocking pop-ups. Try either disabling your pop-up blockers or allowing pop-ups on the site

ADVISORS - My advisee’s degree plan/requirements in the myKnight Audit is wrong. What should I do?

If a change of major has been submitted and the change is not posted yet, please contact the Registrar’s Office. In the meantime, please run a What-If report for the new plan. Please report other plan discrepancies, and all audit discrepancies, through the Service Now reporting tool: 

ADVISORS - I do not have access to run myKnight Audit reports. How can I obtain access?

You must complete the PSAA Degree Audit webcourse (ACS001). The prerequisites for this course are SR FERPA Training (SR100W) and PS SA/HR Basic Navigation (PSC001). Once you have completed all three training courses, your college or department security authorizer must request the appropriate access through the Registrar’s Office.

ADVISORS - Can I create student exceptions?

You must complete the Exceptions webcourse (ACS002). The prerequisite for this course is the PSAA Degree Audit webcourse (ACS001). Your college or department security authorizer must request exception writing access through the Registrar’s Office.

Fall 2020 Classes Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check what modality my class is being offered in for Fall 2020?

You can verify your course modality for the classes you’re enrolled in by checking your schedule, which can be found in your myUCF portal.

How to View Your Class Schedule in myUCF

  • Log in to your myUCF portal, go to the Student Center and then select “Class Schedule” in the drop-down menu labeled “Other Academics.”
  • Click on the blue section number for the course you wish to review.
  • The class’ modality will be listed under “Instruction Mode.”

How can I check to see if a Fall 2020 course is being offered in different modalities?

To view the modality of a course you’re interested in enrolling in, you can search for it using the “Class Search” function which can be found here:

Will my course modality and/or schedule change again?

Colleges have worked hard to create a stable schedule that is accurate at this time. We do not anticipate significant changes after July 1. Naturally, however, public health concerns and related issues could still lead to modifications. Students are encouraged to monitor their schedules in the weeks leading up to the beginning of the term. We also encourage you to stay in touch with your professors to promote a smooth transition in the event that course modalities must change during the semester.

The location for my course is listed as “TBA.” What does this mean?

In most cases, if the location in your schedule is listed as “TBA,” your class is online. In cases where days and times are also included, your class will be taught remotely but synchronously. This means that you will be expected to participate in course activities at specific times via video conferencing. If you have questions about your course modality, contact your advisor and/or your professor.

What should I do if my class schedule includes a note that I don’t understand?

We encourage students to reach out to their college advising office if they have further questions or need clarification regarding a specific course. The contact information for each college’s advising office can be found here:

Will in-person classes, exams or other activities occur after the Thanksgiving break?

No. UCF will switch to remote instruction following the Thanksgiving holiday to minimize risk associated with a potential virus resurgence. Final exams and assessments will be remote. University operations will be normal, with residence halls, libraries, and study and dining spaces remaining open for student use. Because students are permitted to return to UCF Housing for the two weeks of the fall semester following Thanksgiving, no refunds will be provided to students who elect to not return to their residence.

What if I get sick during the semester?

If you become ill with symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home and contact your primary care physician, who will determine whether testing or treatment is needed. Avoid contact with other people and follow the CDC’s guidelines regarding how to self-quarantine to prevent spreading the illness.

Students should have a plan for the possibility they may test positive for COVID-19. Residents will be required to isolate up to 14 days or until they receive medical clearance to return to their housing assignment. All residents must disclose to Student Health Services immediately upon notification of positive COVID-19 test status or contact from Florida Department of Health about exposure and instruction to isolate. UCF Housing and Residence Life has designated a limited number of spaces in Academic Year communities, Towers at Knights Plaza, NorthView, UnionWest and Rosen for UCF Housing residents who fall ill and are unable to travel to their permanent residence to isolate.

Faculty are being encouraged to plan courses so that students who fall ill will be able to continue in the class. In particular, attendance requirements have been discouraged, and faculty with a face-to-face component are encouraged to use a hybrid approach that can be available to students who choose to be or because of health requirements need to learn remotely. Review the attendance and makeup policy for each of your courses at the beginning of the semester and work closely with your professor if you need an illness-related accommodation.

In the circumstances you become seriously ill or must be out for an extended period and cannot complete the course, you may be eligible for an incomplete or medical withdrawal. Please review those policies here for further guidance: Incomplete Policy and Medical Withdrawal Policy. Please note that students who complete a course are NOT eligible for medical withdrawal.

What if I am a high-risk individual who falls into one of the vulnerable populations as outlined by the CDC?

The CDC has identified that certain individuals are or may be at higher risk for COVID-19 and for developing serious COVID-19 illness. See CDC information at:

According to UCF’s COVID-19 Return to Campus Policy, students, especially those at higher risk, are encouraged to continue remote learning, as appropriate for the time being. If a higher risk student is asked to return to on-campus learning (such as for a clinical training course) or is planning to return to on-campus learning as courses become available, you may make your higher risk status known to your program of study.

Academic Record Change Form Instructions & Information

Click Here to View Form Instructions & Information

Academic Record Change Policy 

University policy prohibits academic record changes after the designated deadline unless there is evidence of extraordinary circumstances.

The purpose of an academic record change is to assist students whose academic performance is seriously hindered by circumstances beyond their control. Students should consider a petition for an academic record change as their last option. It is imperative that the student speak to their instructors before pursuing any administrative avenues. It may be possible for the student and the instructor to work out an alternate solution together.

Once a student has exhausted all other options, it is possible to pursue an academic record change. The petitions for these changes are reserved for students who can demonstrate extraordinary circumstances. If these criteria are met, it will be necessary to submit documentation of the situation along with the petition paperwork. It is crucial that all information in the petition is thorough and complete when it is submitted to the Registrar’s Office. The petition will be reviewed to determine a decision when all supporting documentation is submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

Late Drop: Following the close of the Drop/Swap period each term as published in the academic calendar, students withdrawing from courses will incur both grade and fee liability unless the university approves a late drop. No drop is permitted after the drop/swap deadline except in exceptional circumstances beyond a student’s control that prevent the student from completing courses. Exceptional circumstances include, but are not limited to, death of an immediate family member, involuntary call to military service, or administrative errors created by the University. Unsatisfactory academic performance, change of major, or financial challenges are not acceptable reasons for a drop after the deadline. Late drops are normally for all courses taken in the term. If a student is requesting a late drop from fewer than all courses in which the student is enrolled during a semester (“selective drop”), the student must explain in detail why the exceptional circumstance prevents the student from completing the requirements of certain courses but not others, including providing documentation that supports the explanation. If approved, a late drop includes a refund of tuition fees, and the courses will not appear on the student’s academic records. Students must submit the completed petition and provide all supporting documentation for a late drop to the Registrar’s Office (MH 161) within six (6) months of the end of the term for which the late drop is sought. No late drop petitions are accepted past the six-month submission deadline. If you do not have any intention of completing a class, you may want to consider withdrawing from that class prior to the withdrawal deadline. Withdrawing will relieve you of any academic responsibility, but will not entitle you to a refund. If you receive finanical aid, scholarships, bright futures or loans, please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance before dropping or withdrawing to inquire if (or how) your aid may be impacted.

Late Withdrawal: No withdrawal is permitted after the withdrawal deadline as published in the academic calendar except in extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control that prevent completion of courses. Extraordinary circumstances include, but are not limited to, being the primary caretaker of an immediate family member who is seriously ill or injured, or a mandated employment transfer. Unsatisfactory academic performance is not an acceptable reason for withdrawal after the deadline. A late withdrawal is usually for all courses taken in the term. If a student is requesting a withdrawal from fewer than all courses in which the student is enrolled during a semester (“selective withdrawal”), the student must explain in detail why the extraordinary circumstance prevents the student from completing the requirements of certain courses but not others, including providing documentation that supports the explanation. If a late withdrawal is approved, grades of “WP” (Withdrawn Passing) or “WF” (Withdrawn Failing) will be assigned by the instructor(s) of the course(s) according to the student’s academic performance. A grade of “WP” will not affect the calculation of the GPA, whereas a grade of “WF” is calculated as a failing grade in the GPA. If approved, a late withdrawal does not refund tuition, and/or the student is still fee liable for the late withdrawn courses. Students must submit the completed petition and provide all supporting documentation for a late withdrawal to Registrar’s Office (MH 161) within one year of the end of the term for which the late withdrawal is sought. No late withdrawal petitions are accepted past the one-year submission deadline.

PLEASE NOTE: While the petition process is in progress, the student remains responsible for all course work unless already withdrawn. Only when a decision is rendered does the student’s responsibility change in accordance with the final decision. Because poor academic performance is not a basis upon which a petition will be approved, it is important that the student maintains satisfactory performance in his or her course(s) during the petition process.