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Continue using Class Search if you:

  • Only take online classes.
  • Are in a cohort or major where your classes are prescribed for you.
  • Only need to take a couple of classes and your schedule is very flexible.
  • Need to search for classes meeting the degree requirement criteria you must fulfill.

Use mySchedule Builder to generate, view, and analyze a variety of class schedules containing those classes you want to take in a given semester. If you already know what classes you need, you can go straight to mySchedule Builder, add your classes, and generate schedules to review.

SCENARIO ONE: You are starting from scratch. You need to search for a course that satisfies specific requirements such as GEP.

. . . Use Class Search to search for classes meeting your specific criteria. For example, perhaps you need a class meeting the GEP-Cultural & Historical Foundations area offered by the Philosophy department. When you find a course meeting those criteria—perhaps REL 2300—note it to add to mySchedule Builder. Next, use the mySchedule Builder application to add REL 2300 and other classes to your schedule—say MAC 1105C. When you click Generate Schedules, all of the sections of REL 2300 will be shown with all of the MAC 1105C sections that don’t conflict with it. You can continue adding classes through mySchedule Builder in this manner, knowing that the application will display only those schedules where sections of the other classes you choose don’t conflict with each other.

Note: You may also identify courses fulfilling the Gordon Rule requirements at Keep both web browser windows open for easy navigation between mySchedule Builder and Class Search or the degree requirements website. Remember to consult your advisor if you have additional questions.

SCENARIO TWO—You already have specific courses in mind but don’t know which sections would fit your scheduling needs best.

Simply open up the application through the mySchedule Builder link in your myUCF Student Center with the subject prefixes and course numbers you’re interested in—for example, MAC 1105C, BSC 2010C, CGS 2100C, and ECO 2013. Add these to mySchedule Builder’s Add Course area. When you click Generate Schedules, mySchedule Builder returns schedules that work around any breaks, class padding, or classes you previously added to the shopping cart.