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mySchedule Builder is an application that will generate all possible schedule combinations based on your course selections, allowing you to evaluate which schedule of classes will work best for you.

Keep in mind that you can continue to use myUCF’s robust Class Search search functionality to identify courses. After finding those courses in Class Search, add them to mySchedule Builder. Then you can:

  • Add additional classes that you already know you want to take in the semester.
  • Build “breaks” into your schedule. For example, if you can’t attend classes on Wednesday morning because of your work schedule, you can create a break for that time period, and mySchedule Builder will not show class sections conflicting with that block of time.
  • Schedule travel time between classes. Perhaps you must walk from one side of campus to the other, and you need 20 minutes between classes. You can schedule that through mySchedule Builder’s Class Padding feature.
  • “Lock” a class so that it is always on your schedule and other classes are scheduled around it.
  • Look for classes taught by your favorite instructors.