Please see the bottom of this page for copies of printable forms available to download.
Change of Major, Track, Minor or Certificate
The Change of Major, Track and Minor/Certificate Declaration process is now on-line through myUCF. Please refer to the following PDF document for the instructions on how to complete this process.
Degree Verification Request
Provides verification of college degrees or attendance at UCF. Parents, employers, background checking firms, and other third party agencies may request degree verifications online through National Student Clearinghouse. A fee will be assessed for all requests.
Enrollment Verification
Used to verify student’s enrollment status, credit hours, anticipated graduation date, and proof of attendance. This is usually needed for Good Student discounts, insurance companies, banks, prospective employers, and other interested parties.
Grade Forgiveness
Undergraduate students seeking baccalaureate degrees may improve their GPA by repeating a course taken previously and using grade forgiveness (limit two times).
How to Share Protected Data
The UCF Registrar’s Office deals with a variety of documents, and some of those documents contain sensitive information. In order to ensure your documents are protected, we have provided this page as a how-to for encrypting sensitive documents.
Limited Non-Degree Registration (for Technical Education and Industry Training Courses only)
Non-admitted students registering for technical education and industry training courses have specific procedures to follow.
Program of Strategic Emphasis (STEM) Tuition Waiver
Information about the tuition waiver available to eligible undergraduate students majoring in Programs of Strategic Emphasis, as adopted by the Board of Governors.
Readmission Application
Those who have not attended UCF for two consecutive semesters, have been academically suspended, or have previously earned a baccalaureate degree at UCF and are currently pursuing a 2nd bachelor’s degree should fill out an application for readmission.
Reverse Transfer
UCF students who earned 30 or more credits at a Florida state college and have transferred to UCF without an associate’s degree may “Reverse Transfer” the earned credits from UCF and combine those credits earned at the Florida state college to complete an associate’s degree. This process makes it possible for students to earn an associate’s degree as they continue to work toward completing their bachelor’s degree at UCF without any jeopardy to their status at UCF.
Residency Reclassification
Enrolled students who are classified as non-Florida residents for tuition purposes and who believe they may qualify for in-state tuition effective with the next academic semester may submit a Residency Reclassification form.
UCF is authorized to make discretionary judgments as to residency within the bounds of the law and, in reaching this professional judgment, will evaluate all documents submitted and information available.
Students who feel an erroneous decision was made regarding their residency reclassification may submit a written appeal to the UCF Residency Appeals Committee through the Registrar’s Office (Millican Hall, room 161). The student will be notified of the decision following the final review. The decision of the Residency Appeals Committee is final.
Transcript Request
Both current and former students can order official transcripts online via myUCF. Due to restrictions mandated by the FERPA privacy act, we are unable to accept email attachments, email requests, fax, or phone requests for official transcripts.