Course Drop and Withdrawal Petitions
Course Drop and Withdrawal Petitions may provide relief for students that are experiencing a documented administrative error by the university or significant circumstances preventing successful completion of courses during a semester. These significant circumstances could include an involuntary call to active duty, the death of an immediate family member, or a serious medical condition (physical or physiological). As a result, you may be eligible to submit a Late Drop, Medical Withdrawal, or Late Withdrawal petition for potential relief for these circumstances.
For complete details on these petition options and instructions to submit a petition, visit the Drop and Withdrawal Petitions page.
The UCF Registrar’s Office helps students navigate the state of Florida’s and the University of Central Florida’s policies pertaining to academic record changes, curriculum file management, degree audits, and university-wide undergraduate graduation requirements. We strive to fairly apply these policies according to established guidelines and to provide a prompt response to your request. We also help faculty and staff maintain accurate computer records for advising and graduation certification.
Are you eligible to file a petition?