A registration waitlist is an electronic process that auto-enrolls students in closed classes as seats become available. This enables students to get into the classes they want without having to continuously check for possible openings. Waitlists operate on a first-come, first-served basis, so this process ensures that students who enroll sooner have a better chance of getting into a closed course. Academic Success Coach Directors reserve the right to alter the waitlist at their discretion.
Waitlists are only available once the class is full. For high-demand classes, this may be the first day of registration or, for other classes, as late as the last week. Waitlists end on the last date to Drop/Swap classes, which can be found by referencing the current Academic Calendar
Each college is responsible for determining if their class offerings should have a waitlist or not. If a waitlist is available, an orange triangle icon will appear next to the section in the Class Schedule.
For courses with no waitlist available, students will need to check regularly for possible openings. Students may add themselves to any number of waitlists but will not be enrolled beyond the maximum number of hours allowed for that term. Students may remove themselves from a waitlist by following the same process as if they were going to drop a class.
List Position
From myUCF > Student Self Service > Student Center, click on the drop down for ‘other academics’ and click on ‘Class Schedule’. You will see which classes you are waitlisting and your position on the waitlist.
Enrollment Requirements
The requirements to be moved from waitlisted to enrolled are the same as regular registration. You will not be enrolled from the waitlist if:
- you are already enrolled in another section of the same class (see Swap)
- it conflicts in meeting times with another class in which you are enrolled (see Swap)
- the credit hours for the course exceed those permitted in that term
- you have not met the prerequisites for that class
- you have a registration hold
Auto-enrollment will run once a day until the week before classes start. During the first week of classes, it will run several times a day in expectation of students adjusting their schedules more frequently. Once the system has processed all students on the waitlist, the class will move to open status if there are any open seats remaining.
If you are successfully enrolled from the waitlist, you will receive a notification email (and text message if you requested it). Emails go to your Knights Email account, which should be monitored daily.
Swap Function
The Swap function allows you to swap a class you are currently enrolled in for a different one. If you are currently enrolled in a different section of the same course or in a class that has a time conflict with the waitlisted course, using the Swap feature will automatically replace the enrolled course with the desired waitlisted one when a seat becomes available.
From myUCF > Student Self Service > Student Center > Academics, choose ‘Enrollment: Swap’
- You may search for the new course by clicking the ‘search’ button, or if you know the class number you may enter it in the ‘Enter Class Nbr’ box.
- If the course is full, and is a waitlisted course, you will need to check the ‘Wait list if class is full’ box and click ‘Next’.
- If you choose to be added to a waitlist, you will get this page which allows you to opt in to receive text messages. Be sure to read the page below for more information. To opt in, check the box and click ‘Continue’, or if you don’t want text messages, simply click ‘Cancel’.
- Review your swap. If it is correct, click ‘Finish Swapping’.
- View your results. If you asked to be placed on a waitlist, your position number is displayed in the message.
Removal from List
If you decide that you no longer want to take a class that you have waitlisted, it is your responsibility to remove yourself from the waitlist. If you have been enrolled from the waitlist and do not wish to take the class, it is your responsibility to drop the class before the last day to drop. If you fail to do this, you will be fee liable for the class, and you will be graded.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do waitlisted students get in first?
Yes, the class will remain closed for standard registration until the waitlist has added or skipped all students on the waitlist. If open seats remain, the class will then open for standard registration.
Can I see who else is on the waitlist for a class?
No, you may only see your own position number.
I have Financial Aid; will the waitlist impact my award?
Waitlisted classes do not count towards your enrolled hours. If your financial aid requires full-time enrollment, be sure you have enough credits without counting waitlisted classes.