Waiver for Specific Florida High School Graduates (Effective Fall 2014)
Students who have attended a secondary school in Florida for three (3) consecutive years immediately before graduating from a high school in this state; have applied for enrollment in an institution of higher education within 24 months after high school graduation; and who submit an official Florida high school transcript as evidence of attendance and graduation are eligible for an out-of-state fee waiver, as defined in the Florida Statutes, Chapter 2014-62, Section 5, 1009.26 Fee Waivers.
Current UCF students need to apply for the waiver using the waiver form and instructions found here.
New Incoming UCF students need to apply for the waiver using the Undergraduate Admissions waiver form and instructions found here.
This form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office, in person to Millican Hall room 161, or via mail, or scanned attachment in an email residencyreview@ucf.edu to by the first day of classes for the term the waiver is sought (see the Academic Calendar for term start dates).
Click the icon below for instructions on how to complete this waiver.