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Academic Record Change Policy
University policy prohibits academic record changes after the designated deadline unless there is evidence of extraordinary circumstances.
The purpose of an academic record change is to assist students whose academic performance is seriously hindered by circumstances beyond their control. Students should consider a petition for an academic record change as their last option. It is imperative that the student speak to their instructors before pursuing any administrative avenues. It may be possible for the student and the instructor to work out an alternate solution together.
Once a student has exhausted all other options, it is possible to pursue an academic record change. The petitions for these changes are reserved for students who can demonstrate extraordinary circumstances. If these criteria are met, it will be necessary to submit documentation of the situation along with the petition paperwork. It is crucial that all information in the petition is thorough and complete when it is submitted to the Registrar’s Office. The petition will be reviewed to determine a decision when all supporting documentation is submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
Late Drop: Following the close of the Drop/Swap period each term as published in the academic calendar, students withdrawing from courses will incur both grade and fee liability unless the university approves a late drop. No drop is permitted after the drop/swap deadline except in exceptional circumstances beyond a student’s control that prevent the student from completing courses. Exceptional circumstances include, but are not limited to, death of an immediate family member, involuntary call to military service, or administrative errors created by the University. Unsatisfactory academic performance, change of major, or financial challenges are not acceptable reasons for a drop after the deadline. Late drops are normally for all courses taken in the term. If a student is requesting a late drop from fewer than all courses in which the student is enrolled during a semester (“selective drop”), the student must explain in detail why the exceptional circumstance prevents the student from completing the requirements of certain courses but not others, including providing documentation that supports the explanation. If approved, a late drop includes a refund of tuition fees, and the courses will not appear on the student’s academic records. Students must submit the completed petition and provide all supporting documentation for a late drop to the Registrar’s Office (MH 161) within six (6) months of the end of the term for which the late drop is sought. No late drop petitions are accepted past the six-month submission deadline. If you do not have any intention of completing a class, you may want to consider withdrawing from that class prior to the withdrawal deadline. Withdrawing will relieve you of any academic responsibility, but will not entitle you to a refund. If you receive finanical aid, scholarships, bright futures or loans, please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance before dropping or withdrawing to inquire if (or how) your aid may be impacted.
Late Withdrawal: No withdrawal is permitted after the withdrawal deadline as published in the academic calendar except in extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control that prevent completion of courses. Extraordinary circumstances include, but are not limited to, being the primary caretaker of an immediate family member who is seriously ill or injured, or a mandated employment transfer. Unsatisfactory academic performance is not an acceptable reason for withdrawal after the deadline. A late withdrawal is usually for all courses taken in the term. If a student is requesting a withdrawal from fewer than all courses in which the student is enrolled during a semester (“selective withdrawal”), the student must explain in detail why the extraordinary circumstance prevents the student from completing the requirements of certain courses but not others, including providing documentation that supports the explanation. If a late withdrawal is approved, grades of “WP” (Withdrawn Passing) or “WF” (Withdrawn Failing) will be assigned by the instructor(s) of the course(s) according to the student’s academic performance. A grade of “WP” will not affect the calculation of the GPA, whereas a grade of “WF” is calculated as a failing grade in the GPA. If approved, a late withdrawal does not refund tuition, and/or the student is still fee liable for the late withdrawn courses. Students must submit the completed petition and provide all supporting documentation for a late withdrawal to Registrar’s Office (MH 161) within one year of the end of the term for which the late withdrawal is sought. No late withdrawal petitions are accepted past the one-year submission deadline.
PLEASE NOTE: While the petition process is in progress, the student remains responsible for all course work unless already withdrawn. Only when a decision is rendered does the student’s responsibility change in accordance with the final decision. Because poor academic performance is not a basis upon which a petition will be approved, it is important that the student maintains satisfactory performance in his or her course(s) during the petition process.